About More Than

MORE THAN IS FOR PARENTS: Parenting is the hardest job in the world. I can't tell you how many times I've felt unworthy to be a parent and unworthy to raise children.

MORE THAN IS FOR TEENS. Being a teenager today is filled with so many challenges. So many pressures. I want you to know how much you are loved and that you are so much More Than. 

MORE THAN IS FOR CREATIVES. I'm a creative and in the deepest depths of my soul, I have this passion to create and a constant desire for the approval of others. 

MORE THAN IS FOR PEOPLE WHO FEEL STUCK IN THEIR JOB. You spend so much time at work and so many people feel stuck in their job, punching a clock, and collecting a paycheck. So many people feel like there's more to life. There is! 

MORE THAN IS FOR PEOPLE WHO FEEL LIKE THEY AREN'T WORTHY. I don't know your story. Maybe it's a failed marriage. A lost job. Trauma from your parents or someone else significant in your life. A series of bad decisions. A challenging financial situation. Betrayal from someone you thought was a friend. 

You are more than. You are worthy. You are bought with a price. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Garrett Nudd